Guide to Blogging


Each entry should be thoughtful, focus on the film(s) screened in class and integrate readings/class discussions (by citing the readings or lecture). Be representative of the topics for each week. Essentially this is your Film Journal for the semester. Blogs are due by Friday 9 pm.  Responses are due by Sunday 11:59 pm. Blogs that do not adhere to the criteria laid out here will not receive full credit. The most interactive and successful posts will include links (and images, embedded video, etc) to related materials!!

The responses can include informal reactions – thoughts, criticisms—anything that seems important to you and has been inspired by the screenings and readings.  However, you must go far beyond mere description, summary and expressions of likes and dislikes and other matters of personal taste. For best results, entries should be written not too long after class screenings when your notes make sense and things are still fresh in your mind.  A simple trick to get started with your responses is to take solid notes during the screenings followed by the highlighting of interesting and/or provocative quotes from the readings and pair them later.  

You’re writing for a blog, which is a specific style of writing. Remember that you’re writing in public. Your primary audience is your classmates and me, but also any member of the public that might like to participate in the discussion. Keep your style conversational and simple, but use paragraphs, proper grammar, spelling, etc.


Once you’ve accepted the author invitation for the blog, you’ll be able to post. Go to WORDPRESS LOGIN ( and log in. Once inside, you should see the “My Sites” link in the top left corner. Choose our blog, click “Posts” and “Add New” in the left hand side bar. That’s it. Start posting 🙂

Each blog is worth a maximum of 3 points.

Here is a tutorial to familiarize yourself with the BLOCK EDITOR which is HOW you will compose your posts.

Entries will be graded on a three-point system based on content (critical analysis/argument, synthesis of readings/screenings) and on mechanics (grammar, structure, flow).  Failure to comment on your classmate’s blogs results in an automatic 1.5 pt. deduction.

500-600 Words (but no less than five hundred)

**25% of Final Grade**