Last Time, Already?

Hey guys!! We finally made it to the final stretch.  And to top it off we have a action filled film Run Lola Run. This film kept the wheels in my head spinning. To be brutally honest I was not very into the idea of watching this film. Yet I was actually surprised the movie wasn’t that bad. The beginning seemed to drag for me but  the film is composed of a lot of high stake action.  What was awkward and a bit strange turned out to be a good film. The idea of the recycle of moments of time seems very cliché and played out to me. But the way the main character goes about things adds more wildness . I give  props to the great actions scenes. And the Camera For making me think I got whiplash a few times. Very realistic movements with the characters pace,

Yet it seemed to again get away from me when there were constant shots of running. They really stuck to their title.

i really appreciated the mix up produced within the film. Like the realness embedded into the main characters relationship those little talks really too them away for the super close unproblematic  men and women made up in films.  Not the typical Bonnie and Clyde. This is our first film where there are two styles of films

. Now one thing that I get constantly as a repetitive message to make decisions wisely even if you get a second chance and don’t forget to scream your head off while doing it sometimes. It adds spunk.

 What a good and plot convent super power/gift. Great movie idea just not enough plot development and character motivation. That is my own harsh critic.

This year in class has been a crazy one filled with memories that will stick. More knowledge to spit out at the dinner table to sound smarter. To start this off I can’t forget the classics.

  Opening up the conversation to deep diving into cinema made me look at film from a different view. Naturally I watch movies and the deepest I’ve ever looked was into the cast list. This skill of mine was matched with watching movie debunking on YouTube. With this class I have opened my mind to the seriousness of the behind the scenes work. To begin I was introduced to early film and early Hollywood.

Can I say wow What a change we have seen. Although I only had to see cds become more popular than vhs in my life. I missed the introduction of real change in cinema. Huge things like the early 1900. Introducing soundtracks to film and adding audio as well ,like screeching tires sounds. Then adding visual actions like sort of a early green screen. Things like that added more to the classics I love today. Where do I began?? Saying I’m glad I got to discuss and hear the cinematic classics is an understatement. From Frankenstein to Bonnie and Clyde and many in between. I’ve been pushed out my comfort to watch movies I would never even watch the trailers for. One movie I enjoyed was wild strawberries. It was pretty cool to see such an older movie touch on a relatable emotional state in different walks of life. I also enjoyed the importance to background details in the film it’s self. Usually I see random stand-ins or open streets and buildings. The correlation between background and mood really stuck. The true way to add symbolism.

Then another movie I actually found interest in is L’Avventura by Michelan Antonioni . Even though I do feel bad that Everyone seemed to not care that she still was missing. They even found happiness without her. What a impression.

I loved the scenery and the use of natural background. Regardless of the lack of  connection  to the characters or their issues. It was a great film to get dragged into.  Countless scenes of neutral backgrounds of ocean and nature.

Lastly I love that I get to see a film that is unforgettable like Easy Rider. The countless scenes of badass mortcycles only add to the general overview of Desert. What a great new fresh film idea (for its time). I haven’t made much of a try to get into the genre of rock but that soundtrack has made me go crazy. I absolutely enjoyed it.

This movie was the cherry on top of the year. A true American dream film. Filled with rule breaking scenes. The strey away from the limitation of what is allowed in film. The nicest middle finger I’ve seen done in the industry . Nothing stale about the feelings of denial and the acceptance of real loss.

Even if I can’t relate with the motives of the characters I sympathize with the idea of getting away and finding a dream. To die defying what strands hold you down. Great way to depict hippies. This class has been the best of the year and I’m glad to have finished it with such hits and I enjoyed hearing everyones great presentations. Hope this last week isn’t as stressful as it seems to be for me.

5 thoughts on “Last Time, Already?

  1. Wonderful Blog, I’m said to be reviewing for the last time. I have to agree that Run Lola Run had a under developed plot. The beginning was confusing for me to but as the film went on it got easier to understand.


  2. Great blog! I completely agree with not getting enough information about Lola and her power/gift. It was confusing being that she showed us her power about two to three times throughout the film. It would have been nice to learn where she got it from.


  3. Hey nice blog! I like the pictures you incorporated into the blog. If you scroll through without reading you can get a recap of the semester. Then you elaborate so well about L’Avventura and the background effects. I liked that movie too because of the cinematic effects. I was also confused with the plot of “Run Lola Run” and thought the repeated plot was cliche. But after watching it though the end I thought it was a good movie too. When you said in your blog that you got pushed out of your comfort zone to watch movies that you might not normally watch I couldn’t agree more. Overall this was a really good post! Have a great summer!


  4. If I were to guess I would say that her “power” could just be her showing how upset she is. Like maybe it’s not a power maybe it’s just a way of showing how upset she is. I don’t just a guess. But great blog it’s sad knowing that this will be the last time we review each other’s blogs.


  5. Run Lola Run was an interesting movie. For the most part, I agree that the plot was not fully thought out, and it showed. As it evolved, the movie started to make more sense, granted I am not sure if that is what the director wanted or not. Great blog, and it is crazy that this is our last class.


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