A Lovely and Violent Tale

This week for class, we discussed the movie ‘Bonnie and Clyde’. I for one have heard about this film/story for a long time, yet never had the chance to fully watch it. For those Netflix lovers, the movie ‘The Highway Men’, relates to Bonnie and Clyde. Starring Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson, these two former Texas Rangers try to capture the infamous criminals. Highly recommend this movie if you have watched the original Bonnie and Clyde. Like the true story, these Texas Rangers were actually the people who brought the dynamic duo down. For those that are unaware, Bonnie and Clyde are some of the most notorious criminals to ever surface the United States. The couple were always on the run because they would travel through the United States with a gang robbing banks and local small businesses. Constantly on the run, looking for their next crime to commit. You think love is crazy enough as is. Well, these two added a little more spice to their relationship. Not only did they rob businesses, but they were also known for their killings. A special bond one might say (not really). Talk about a ‘ride or die’ kind of relationship. People tend to forget that while Bonnie and Clyde were on their crime spree, the Great Depression was in effect. Just when these small businesses and individuals were struggling enough, Bonnie and Clyde focused on their fortune while hurting all others.

Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are seen in an undated photo. The couple captured headlines with a long crime spree before being shot to death in an ambush in Louisiana.

This 1967 film depicts two young lovers, who enjoyed bending and breaking the law and trying to get away with the unthinkable. A big part that plays into this movie is the concepts of humor and fear. These two individuals didn’t feel bad for what they did, rather they thought it was hilarious that they could fool the law while traveling the country. These two kids were just ‘having fun’ at the end of the day (at least, so they thought). For many audiences, they hoped the dynamic duo would escape everything that they faced. Although punishment caught up with Bonnie and Clyde, this movie offers the incentive that there is always a chance to get away. The movie captures a lot of aspects. Gang violence, love affair, and a kind of a comedy-romance. The film is truly one of a kind. The movie has a back-and-forth motion in a way, where their playfulness actions ultimately end in bloodshed.

One of the more intriguing scenes in the film is when Clyde chases Bonnie through a cornfield out in the Texas fields. The movie portrays such a beautiful scene in a film where crime is really prevalent. With a focus on crime, the film offers a poetic touch and feel. Not only is the audience focused on the crimes, but they are also focused on the feelings of the couple. Times were definitely different in this time than they are today. This couple was successful in their ventures large in part due to the lack of technology. In today’s world, these crime sprees wouldn’t last as long as Bonnie and Clyde’s did.

  • Jason Berardicurti

1 thought on “A Lovely and Violent Tale

  1. Loved the article, im glad to see you brought in the movie “The Highway Men” (great movie) into your blog. Always a pleasure reading your articles every week.


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